How is psoriasis permanent treatment? Causes of psoriasis and treatment.

It takes a person a lifetime to live with this disease, change, relapse and remission. Interview with patients before you start writing a lot of articles about methods of psoriasis treatment. And today, I'll share these recipes with you.

psoriasis treatment

Psoriasis. Causes of disease

Science, in general, the cause of psoriasis is unknown. The current version only so far and assumptions about what reveals, however, based, years of experience and direct observation. Psoriasis hereditary and acquired distinguished. Modern scientific research, developments, development, allergy, immunology, clearly developing this disease, an allergic reaction to the presence of foreign antigens in the human body: parasites, microorganisms, bacteria and allergens. In the study, the causes, investigated 40 people blood psoriasis psoriasis. Stunned results: in 80% of patients the cause behind the disease is a fungal infection, 60% of bacterial infection (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus), 20 percent – food, home, pollen grains, drugs, allergens. Psoriasis psoriasis manifest among the people as little known as pink nodules on the surface of the skin, not in size, the more you nitwit. But, these nodules have a trend of rapid growth. At first small, they merge into one, forming a silver plaque from the surface is covered with plenty of Flake – white color. These scales disintegrate quite easily-hence the name "psoriasis". Scaly severe itching yourself just like every other disease, and if disease struck even lightly scrape with a place, the scales are easy to fall off, attached to it, red (severe forms - wet) protruding a drop of blood visible on the glossy surface. Psoriasis is one of these signs. The rash typically, the visible area of the elbows and knees, less frequently the head, however, a serious illness, strike, chest, back, and groin regions of the body. Rash large, visible redness and swelling. Cracks and itching. General weakness, joint pain. Occurs on an emotional level, general irritability, demotion, or loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, sometimes the body temperature rises. Psoriasis is just a skin disease! Psoriasis significantly reflected the metabolism of the central nervous system and endocrine glands of the business. Accepted, him may lead to the emergence of frequent colds, chronic sinusitis, periodontal disease and dental caries. Clinical stage of psoriasis in the nature of, characteristic, distinctive features for them:

  1. Phase is expressed as a progressive, and the symptoms and flare-ups of acute disease.
  2. Hard to complete a clinical picture of scenery and distinctive marks.

The stamp the age of psoriasis is a significant inflammatory process, again, the existence of multilayered plates and shells, crying a leather surface. The most severe type of psoriasis – pustular psoriasis. This form occurs when the soil is heavy, stressful situations, and Infectious Diseases. Monitored throughout acute pustular psoriasis a fever, leukocytosis. Pustules (transformed scales and plates) the occupation of large body areas, detachment of the epidermis accompanied by a powerful combustion and why a purulent process. This type of psoriasis to be capable, even on the palms and soles of feet.

The treatment of psoriasis are quite varied. The symptoms of lung disease is sufficient dental treatment. For this purpose, the drying salicylic ointment as emollient, drugs, adaptogens tar and naphthalene. Also topical treatment for skin contains natural antiseptics (100% tea tree oil – an outfit, shampoo and body wash gels). But this is only an event, suppress local inflammation, but significantly affecting the cause of the disease. But, a serious form require a comprehensive treatment detoxification and desensitization of money. Such a treatment only in a hospital setting.

The treatment of psoriasis an important role in the regime's power. Eliminate diet products and cholesterol (fatty meats, liver, kidney, egg yolk), eliminate salt and spicy foods. In return, germinated wheat, oat, wheat, milk and milk products, fruits and vegetables. More useful birch juice cleanses the blood, such as a drug (1-2 cups / day), vitamin effective rosehip teas, currant, nettle. Parsley and dandelion salad for breakfast diet, pre-soaked in 10 % salt solution through 30 minutes.

You need to remember that the treatment of psoriasis should be necessarily complex. Because its the cause of the formation of psychiatric disorders and neuroses, as recommended valerian tincture soothing buy a vehicle, in severe cases, antidepressants and anxiolytics. The stability of the necessary drugs function against kidney and liver friendly allergy.

Psoriasis. Recipes of traditional medicine

Their own perspective of traditional medicine for the treatment of psoriasis, which uses easily accessible and less action recipes vegetable origin, the so-called corticosteroids, especially licorice naked, with a teaspoon, pour a glass of water and let it boil an hour insist 10 minutes. Until buy 1 tbsp 5 times a day.

Adrenal stimulation to provide triple steps back, and antihistamine use extract, 1 tablespoon which is poured 200 ml of boiling water, and boil on low heat until ? the initial volume. Agree, such a 10 to 30 drops of the tincture three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

Prescription for stimulation to increase your metabolism and the body's defence extract, aloe vera leaves, which is created, then the 12-day tincture in a dark place, a temperature of 6-8 degrees, biogenic stimulants, amino acids, enzymes, trace elements and vitamins. Buy canned 1 teaspoon fresh aloe vera juice three times a day half an hour before meals. Fresh fruit juice and crushed leaves applied to the affected skin areas.

Normal lipid metabolism in the body of these tools is recommended: 1.Boiling banana: 1 tablespoon pour a cup of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes on a low flame. Insist then on the hour, and drain. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day 15 minutes before a meal. 2.Boiling dandelion medicinal:1 teaspoon pour water and boil for 5 minutes, drain and acceptance po1-3 tablespoons three times a day 15 minutes before a meal. Carbohydrate metabolism regulation with the purpose of use of dandelion root decoction: 1 tablespoon, which is poured into 300 ml of water is boiled, 1/2 cup, 7 minutes and Al three times a day.

And as an anti-inflammatory tool, grass Violet three-color mixture that use from -10 gr. kirlangicotu and weed - 10 gr. pour 300 ml of water for 20 minutes in a water bath to keep. Buy 1/4 cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals. In folk medicine for the treatment of psoriasis ointment recipes that are available.


Lenka birch tar and the most effective recipes for the treatment of psoriasis.

Recipe 1: : lenka a lot of weed, grind the mix by adding powder ratio of 1:3 (for better use of bone marrow, fat). Finished 20 minutes in a water bath for warmth and lubrication of ointment along the diseased sections.

Prescription 2: to get 60 g of birch tar, 40 grams petrolatum, 50% of Sofora and tinctures. Mix and insist in a dark place for 12 days, shaking every day. Then the oil in the affected area. Drink this in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals pumpkin seed oil. – 5 months Alcohol instructions.

And walnut oil suitable for lubrication (pharmacy medicine). For psoriasis which are effective in all stages of the public bath, the temperature of 38 degrees, dark, series, chamomile. A frequent ointment affected places and TUE for the advice (herbs). After that, the itching and scaly body and sleep quietly (disease score of patients with psoriasis for more than 50 years).

Is important to know, functional and morphological changes that occur in psoriasis in the human body: metabolism, disorders of protein, fat and carbohydrate. For this reason, patients receive supportive vitamin therapy continuously to dispensary supervision, especially in winter and spring periods. A rational and comprehensive treatment for psoriasis will give you an opportunity for long-term emissions. You must be healthy.